5 proven tips to burn more fat and lose weight with indoor rowing

Hendrik Plevoets

Written by , Coach on

Rower and coach training on an erg

Losing weight with cardio exercises often seems straightforward, but it can be harder than initially thought. As a coach for rowers, cyclists, and competitive runners, I've seen the common challenges that can slow down or even completely stop your progress toward achieving your ideal weight or fat-to-muscle ratio. Before we explore the scientifically proven strategies to accelerate your metabolism and weight loss, it's crucial to understand the basic principles of weight reduction and exercise: the Aerobic Threshold and the White Zone.

What is the aerobic threshold and why is it important?

The aerobic threshold, also called FatMax, is the training intensity at which you burn the highest amount of fat, meaning you derive the most energy from fat. Knowing your aerobic threshold is essential for effective endurance training. The aerobic threshold represents the upper limit of our 'white zone', the range in which we primarily use fat as an energy source. By training within the white zone, you boost fat melting and improve your endurance without unnecessary fatigue. Above this threshold, we enter the 'grey zone', where fat burning decreases and carbohydrate usage increases. Avoiding the grey zone ensures that your training is sustainable and efficient, helping your body learn to use fat as fuel more effectively.

Coach sitting behind a computer drinking coffe while analyzing training data.

Coaches analyze your statistics to optimize your performance.

If you want to improve your aerobic threshold on an advanced level, you need to measure and track these 3 extra variables:

  • VO2max: This is the maximum oxygen uptake by the body and an indicator of your aerobic capacity. The higher your VO2max, the better your body can use oxygen, leading to increased fat burning during exercise.
  • VLamax: This term describes the maximum lactate production rate influencing the balance between fat and carbohydrate burning. A high VLamax means more glycolysis and less fat oxidation, while a low VLamax indicates high fat burning.
  • Body composition: A higher muscle mass and lower body fat percentage can contribute to more efficient fat reduction.


5 workout tips to train within the white zone for fast fat burn

To get rid of body fat and reach your weight goal efficiently, you need to revise your training and nutrition plans. Cardio sports like indoor rowing are the best sports to burn fat since it’s easy to train within the white zone and maximize your aerobic threshold. Here are 5 tips for successful and natural weight loss:

1. Determine your aerobic threshold

To know your baseline, define workout goals, and be able to check on your progress later, you first need to know your current aerobic threshold. If accessible, you may do a performance test in a sports lab.

Woman on a rowing machine talking to herself to test her stamina.

Test your aerobic threshold at home on your rowing machine with the talk test.

In a home setting, you can perform the Talk Test on your rowing machine to get meaningful results. To do the talk test, row increasingly difficult intervals and, at the end of each, recite a short text, like the chorus of your favorite song or a poem. Stop the test when you can no longer recite the text comfortably. Note the power output of the last stage. This will give you an estimate of your aerobic threshold.


2. Switch to a healthy diet matching your calorie burn

A simple yet important tip for weight loss is taking a critical look at your food intake. Don’t just focus on what you eat and drink but also how much and how often. Look for healthy substitutions for overly fatty or sugary foods. For example, replace soft drinks with water flavored with fresh fruit. Generally speaking, a diet rich in healthy fats and below your daily calorie burn can help your body burn fat more efficiently and drop weight. I also recommend planning your carbohydrate intake around training sessions to strengthen your stamina.


3. Vary in intensity to boost your stamina and prevent overtraining

While it’s important for weight loss to train within the white zone, occasional higher-intensity sessions can help improve your VO2max. This prevents a weight loss plateau and helps you get fitter. After such demanding HIIT sessions, make sure you incorporate adequate recovery periods to prevent overtraining.

Woman resting in bed with her laptop.

Prevent overtraining by adding recovery days and enjoy a bit of relaxation

Symptoms of overtraining include persistent fatigue, decreased performance, sleep problems, elevated resting heart rate, and a weakened immune system. The best indicator for overtraining is simply listening to your body. It's best to take a break and not force yourself so that you can return to your workouts with full energy after this rest period.


4. Be consistent and show patience

Regular, consistent training is key when it comes to burning belly fat. Gradually increase your training volume and build on your workout success. Following a weight loss training plan prevents slacking off. I created the “Fat Furnace” weight loss schedule in EXR which spans 9 weeks and includes 1-3 hours of weekly exercise.

Screenshot of the weight loss plan Fat Furnance in the EXR app.

Follow the weight loss plan created by Coach Hendrik to lose weight by indoor rowing.

Generally speaking, you can expect to see changes within a few weeks, but significant fat loss may even take several months. But don’t lose hope when stepping on your bathroom scale! A stagnation in your slim-down program doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing badly. Keep in mind that you may have gained muscle mass in the process, which can affect your total weight. Focus on body composition (body fat percentage) rather than just the number on the scale.


5. Add more kinds of sports to your workout routine

The indoor rowing machine is a great tool for endurance training and weight loss since it’s gentle on your joints, provides a full-body workout and you can precisely adjust your intensity. However, as much as indoor rowing is good for your fitness and health, you may want to add different types of exercises to your routine. It’s motivating to notice how much more your changing body can accomplish and what new sports you can practice, creating a synergetic training routine.

The obvious choice would be long, steady rowing sessions on the water. This promotes fat burning and improves your overall aerobic capacity. Focus on maintaining a consistent and moderate rowing stroke to stay within the white zone. Other cardio sports like cycling or swimming are ideal for heavy athletes since they are low-impact workouts and burn lots of calories.

Man pushing weights in the gym.

Add weight training to your indoor rowing routine to create synergy.

Rowers usually combine erging and on-water rowing with weight training. Weightlifting helps build muscle mass, which increases your metabolism and accelerates fat loss. Rowing coaches know that a combination of rowing and weightlifting provides the best results for both fat loss and muscle gain, leading to great split times.


Everyone has their own personal reasons for wanting to drop weight, whether it’s to get rid of sleep apnea, facilitate recovery from an ankle injury, or live longer to see their grandchildren grow up. In most cases, you don’t need weight loss surgery, diet pills, or weight loss injections like the infamous Ozempic to reach your weight goal. Using indoor rowing as your main sport for weight loss is a great start. Before diving into a strict training and diet plan, consult with your GP. During training, focus on your aerobic threshold to maximize fat burning and improve your endurance and performance. Stay consistent, mix up your training, and allow for adequate recovery to achieve the best results!


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