Introducing a new free trial flow

Enjoy our new free trial

EXR has crossed the 1 year mark. During that time, we’ve grown, we’ve learned a lot and we’ve received a lot of feedback. While analyzing that feedback, we noticed a problem with the current trial flow. There is often a lot of confusion regarding the duration and inner workings of the 5 session free trial. A lot of people enjoyed the freedom it entailed but on the other hand there was a big part of our userbase who assumed that the free trial entailed 5 consecutive trial days.

To clear up the confusion, we’ve decided to streamline the free trial flow to better fit our product. This is why, as of this day, the trial will become a “classic” 7-day free trial. Of course we haven’t stopped caring about the freedom our current trial offered so we added a small gift at the end of everyone’s trial.

The main changes

When you create an EXR account, you will now have a 7-day free trial. The only requirement to start your trial is the creation of your account. Like before, we will not ask for any payment information to start your free trial.

There is also no rush after the creation of your account. The 7-day period will only start once you’ve rowed your first couple of meters in our virtual worlds. So imagine the following, you created an account to have a look at EXR but don’t have the time for a training session that specific week because you’re going on holiday. You can just stall your first session until you return. This allows you to somewhat keep the freedom from the previous trial.

Once you’ve had your first training session, the days will start counting down. After 7 days, your trial will come to an end. We of course understand that 7 days might not be long enough to convince everyone to subscribe. This is why we have added one extra free session after your trial has ended. This session can be used whenever you like. After this free session has ended, you will need to subscribe to continue using EXR.

What if I subscribe before my free trial has ended?

If you are fully convinced of EXR’s value, there is no no need to wait until the trial has ended. We will add the remaining free trial days to your new membership so you don’t have to miss out on anything.

Changes for current users

Depending on the status of your membership, the trial will adapt. If you have an active membership, nothing will change. You can continue rowing just as you’ve been doing.

If you still have free trial sessions remaining, the new free trial will be fully active. You will be able to make full use of the 7 day free trial. It will act the same as a fresh account, meaning your free trial will only start after your next session.

If your free trial has already expired (including people who subscribed in the past but haven’t resubscribed) you will receive a free additional session as a reward for showing early interest in EXR. This way everyone will be able to test out the newly released multiplayer and additional content we’ve added to our virtual worlds.

Everyone who has registered an account before, will also receive the necessary information via email.

Extra information about your trial status

During your free trial, you will receive updates about the status of your account. In case you want to check your status for yourself, you can always visit your account page to see how far along your trial is or what your current membership status is.


Still have questions about the new trial flow? Contact us via our contact form.

Alfred Campenaerts

Written by , CEO on

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