Interview with CEO Alfred: new billing plans and prices

Ami Kucharek

Written by , Head of Communication on

New EXR pricing

In this Q&A, Alfred, CEO and one of the founders of EXR explains the upcoming pricing change and new billing plans that come into effect on 1 June 2023. Discover why these changes are essential to the sustainable development of the app and find out when a new map and the competition mode will be released.


Q: Why did you decide to make changes in the first place?

A: As our community members already know, we have big plans for EXR this year — I’ll go into detail about this later — and we need to ensure that the app’s development is sustainable. This includes adding exciting new functions every month and improving the app according to the community’s wishes. In a nutshell, we want to live up to our own and our community members’ expectations of what the perfect indoor rowing app should look like. When only checking the price tag, it’s competitive in comparison to other apps on the market. With all the alternative billing options like the new family plan and 6-month plan, you’ll even enjoy a discount and greater flexibility compared to other sports apps.


Q: What does it mean when we talk about EXR’s upcoming price change?

A: The price change affects EXR rowers who are using a monthly subscription. From 1 June 2023, their subscription price will increase by €3 (or US$ 3 or the equivalent in their local currency). This means monthly subscriptions that renew after 1 June will have an updated price. That’s the first time we ever increase any price because we’d like to keep the app as accessible as possible.


We’d like to keep the app as accessible as possible.

Alfred Campenaerts, CEO | Salty Lemon Entertainment

Q: What are the new billing plans?

A: We’ll add 2 new options to the existing monthly and yearly subscriptions. To begin with, we’ll add a 6-month plan for seasonal rowers. We came up with this plan because many rowers had to quit their monthly subscriptions every time their indoor rowing season was over and they went back to the real waters. Also, accidents happen and rowers get injured which means that they can’t train with EXR for a while. To make life easier for everyone, we wanted to improve the process. So we decided to add the 6-monthly plan to EXR and match everybody’s circumstances better. Besides that, we’ll also add the option to pause subscriptions. Pausing your subscription means that your next billing cycle will be skipped and you won’t be able to row with EXR, but your subscription will automatically continue in the billing cycle after the one you skipped.

Additionally, rowing families all over the world reached out to us and asked for family plans. They just want to train together as a family while pursuing their individual fitness goals. We love this dedication to the sport of indoor rowing but understand that purchasing 3 full-priced subscriptions can be costly. So we created family plans where one regular subscriber can get a family plan for just 5€ extra. With the family plan, which works kind of like an add-on, this subscriber can then assign subscriptions to up to 2 family members. For example, they can give subscriptions to their partner and child. In other words, a family of 3 can then row together at a discounted price.

Overview of the new pricing options


Q: How do subscribers profit from the changes?

A: If you purely look at the price, the family plan is the biggest advantage that comes with the change. Moreover, just like the 6-month plan, it just gives more flexibility and suits a modern and active lifestyle. In terms of EXR's features, we have recently released an expansion to Boston and we're in the final stages of completing long-awaited projects that rowers have been anticipating for some time. We see that the community is coming together which makes us very happy. Many enjoy regular group rowing sessions and rowers find their online training partners, so we want to make their workouts extra exciting. All of these things are examples of the top-notch experience I already mentioned.

I don’t want to give too much away, but I can already announce that EXR’s June update will introduce a brand-new map with 4 routes. Its location is still top-secret, but very well-known. Very soon after, we’ll release upgraded leaderboards with lots of handy options and the competition mode.


Q: Is there anything subscribers need to do before the price change?

A: No, the updated prices will be automatically applied to all new subscriptions or renewals from 1 June onwards. This means you don’t need to do anything to continue rowing as usual.

Monthly subscribers who’d like to avoid the price change have the option to switch to a yearly subscription now using their EXR web profile. If you look at the costs per month, a yearly subscription is cheaper. Alternatively, you can switch to a 6-month plan (which is cheaper than a regular monthly subscription) or get a family plan for you and your family once they become available. The choice depends on your situation and what suits your lifestyle the most.

If you subscribed using one of Apple’s services like iTunes, you need to follow a few extra steps to change your subscription.


Q: Where can rowers get help if they have questions about their subscriptions?

A: I understand that some of you might be a bit confused, have questions or need advice on which plan to choose, but don’t worry. I believe that transparency and clear communication are key so you can always get in touch with EXR’s support team using the contact form or the in-app feedback button. We'll then answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision.


Learn more on the support page about the pricing change and new billing plans.

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