
Connect your Xebex rower

EXR is supported on the Xebex Air Rower 2.0 and 3.0, and can only connect via Bluetooth.

How to connect via Bluetooth:

  1. Open EXR’s Device Connection screen.
  2. Press the Start button on your rower's console or pull the handle of your rower.
  3. Now back to EXR: Click on the Connect Rower button and select your rower from the list.

Did you stop rowing or push buttons on your console during your training? You might have lost your connection. Simply pull your rower's handle a few times to reconnect.

EXR on Xebex

In case EXR cannot find your rower, follow these steps:

  1. On your rower console, push the Down and Up bottons for 3 seconds.
  2. Release when you hear a beeping sound.
  3. Click on EXR's Connect Rower button to connect

Still having problems connecting? Contact us directly via the contact form and do not forget to mention which device and rowing machine you are using.

Xebex monitor