
Apple Health with non-iOS devices

Due to Apple’s policies, a direct data transfer only works when EXR is running on iPhones or iPads.

If you’re running EXR on any other device like a Mac or Windows laptop, workarounds are needed to use Apple Health. When using a workaround, an iPhone or iPad will still be needed for the data transfer.

How to use Apple Health with other devices than iOS

  1. Train with EXR on the device of your choice and save the session.
  2. Start EXR on your iOS device and select profile.
  3. Select sessions and open the past session you’d like to transfer.
  4. Click on view details and select the heart icon in the top-right corner of the training report screen to trigger the data transfer. Make sure to only click it once. Clicking on it more often leads to duplicated workouts in Apple Health.
  5. To check on your data, open the Apple Health app, select EXR and open the list with past workouts.

To upload your session to Apple Health from your iOS device, click on the heart icon in the top-right corner.

No heart icon in EXR’s training report screen? This means that EXR isn’t connected to Apple Health. Adjust your Apple Health settings to allow EXR to send workout data again.

Delete duplicated data in Apple Health

Open the list of recorded EXR workout data in Apple Health and click on edit in the top-right corner to select and delete sessions that were registered twice.