
Level, XP and Session Summary

In EXR, levels indicate your progress. You start with level 1. To level up, you need to accumulate experience points (XP). XP are earned with every meter you cover by rowing and by unlocking achievements.

A graph incicates how much XP are needed to reach certain levels.
You need 1 000 000 XP to reach level 30 and 5 000 000 XP for level 50.

With every level, the number of XP needed to proceed to the next one increases exponentially. This means that the higher your level, the longer it'll take to reach a new one.

When reaching different levels, you unlock new items for your avatar.

Session Summary with weekly streak counter

After saving your session, you'll see a Session Summary. This summary shows your achievements, challenges, badges, XP, and X-Coins earned during your workout. It also includes a weekly streak counter, shown as a flame icon. It triggers after rowing a few meters and even when you fail to save your session. Row at least once a calendar week in any mode to keep your streak going. If you skip a week, your streak will reset to zero.

A session summary report from EXR
Enjoy your achievements, challenges and level progress all in one glance with the Session Summary.

Sessions must be at least 5 minutes long to count towards a new weekly streak.